How do I arrange a research visit?
The Marshall Foundation library and archives are open Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. by appointment. The library will be closed March 24-28, May 1-2, May 8, and May 26.
Contact the Director of Library and Archives at 540.463.7103, Ext. 122, or email [email protected]
What type of research assistance does the library offer?
The library staff is pleased to offer patrons 30 minutes of reference assistance free of charge. If your request will result in a charge, the staff will notify you of the approximate per-hour cost of completing your request before continuing to work on it.
Can I order a copy of an item from your collection?
If the Marshall Foundation library owns the copyright and the item is digitized, staff will email a copy for personal or research use, not to be reproduced. Fees may apply. Permission can be granted for publication if the Marshall Foundation Library owns the copyright. Written approval from the Director of the Library and Archives is required. You may download a permission form and forward it to the library staff for review. For information, contact the Director of Library and Archives at 540.463.7103, Ext. 122, or email [email protected]
Can I use some of your documents for my class?
Articles, documents, essays and other digitized material may be reproduced for limited educational purposes that meet the fair use guidelines with the written approval from the Director of the Library and Archives. Please download a permission form and forward it to the Director of Library and Archives at [email protected].
Are there internship or volunteer opportunities at the library and archives?
There are opportunities that combine the needs of the library and archives with the interest of the volunteer or intern. Internships are unpaid. Class credit may be available. For information, contact the Director of Library and Archives at 540.463.7103, Ext. 122, or email [email protected].